It rhymes with Atari; Am here today; It’s an Emergency, a national emergency, a Spation Emergency, A National Spation Emergency on a Global Scale; Everything in creation is effected; Umergency Utopias; The Umergency; Wrapped Completely In Tinfoil; Edit That Horrible Sound Out; You are encouraged to think about your own body’s noises since they are import; Dead? as a performance review; Terry may be tiresome and difficult to understand; One Operational Prod; Artist is part of the Art or when they have lost the tape; Kiwi Kought is back to elucidate on the Turtle Earthers; The Mortality of the Fairy Tinkerbell; Continually Clap to Know that it exists; A Long Traditional all the way back to Plato, Socrates, and Terry Pratchett; Loyal Listeners know that ACP Indust. Love and Understand Metaphors Completely and not just as a scapegoat for nonsense; The Hypotenuse Man; They did it in the butt; More Feminine Misogynists; The Right of Passage Of Factors of Ten; The Ouroboros; The Tenet of Ephemerality; Language is just another Lens; Informational Health; Nobody Knows The Difference; Her Place in the Universe and All That; Terry sings a fun song about Mr. Finishline; a Dot Com World; Always A Crashing;